If you are thinking of declaring bankruptcy you need to know what your options are! At Navarro Law we will handle your case in confidence and with the utmost care. Call us for a consultation today. We have offices on Long Island and in queens.
Navarro Law 412 Larkfield Rd. E.Northport, NY 11731 631.544.1500
Navarro Law 55-05 Metropolitan Ave. Ridgewood, NY 11385 718.443.6200
LongIslandConnection.org was founded in 2004 by a number of LI experienced internet professionals.
Our goal was to provide a platform that allowed small businesses, artists and web designers in on Long Island to advertise directly to consumers at little to no cost.
" 'Working with the right people.' It's a simple, yet powerful concept that's tangible and real. In my mind, when the right people come together, it's more than a business opportunity. It's a beautiful thing. It's art."